This event consists of ejaculation, twice in one session of masterbation. There are no breaks allowed and porn must be used to conquer this masterfull feat. It is named the New York Marathon because to accomplish this feat you need to have physical and mental endurance. Just like the Nike motto, JUST DO IT.
I got blue balled so bad that i had to do a New York Marathon to get all the cum out of me.
by SCOTT HYMAN August 4, 2006
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When three people most commonly two females and one male give each other blow jobs while releasing fecal matter.It is proper in most countries to switch off giving each other rim jobs after the act of release.
hey bro do you remember those girls I took home last night they both gave me a "Portuguese Marathon Runner" It was amazing.
by Reptar08 June 28, 2010
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When you run up the stairs and then take the declining escalator, each time giving the escalator attendant a high-five in the Yankee Stadium or any other sporting event stadium. Must consume copious amounts of alcohol before attempting. First introduced by the late great Spoon-Daddy from Northern NJ
"Spoons and Adnan were at the Yankee Stadium looking for the Hard Rock Cafe when Spoons performed the Irish Marathon."
by Courtyard of the dead October 19, 2013
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When you do enough cocaine and MDNA to have ass sex 4 times, and get pink eye, but still hire a babysitter to go out for more. Typical good old fashion Holiday Bender behavior.
I want to blow bbg and do blow after our super charged ass sex marathon but tomorrow I need to get more pink eye medicine.
by NugsDotCom December 6, 2017
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GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon! GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon!
person 1 GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon!
person 2 GaAaAaUuUhHhH! Who do you think you are?! You slippery, slimy, H2O O2 consuming, waste of space! Get ready to redo this whole entire 10 minute marathon!
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It is when you go to a bar and order one cocktail and leave after finishing it to move to next bar and repeat the same till you puke off the window off your cab.
We were on a another cocktail marathon last night and we run 12 bars before passing out next to a dumpster...
by Yomamacooksitbetter August 30, 2022
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Wyd this weekend?” “I’m just gonna have a nut marathon.”
by xxogaal November 11, 2022
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