The most common numerical terminology for the number three thousand and sixty-two.
I think that dress costs thirty hundred and sixty-two dollars ($3,062.00)
by TheWhiteRabbit07 October 14, 2019
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By all historical accounts, a war that began in 1350. It was a series of conflicts in Western Europe waged between the House of Plantagenet and its cadet House of Lancaster, the rulers of the Kingdom of England.

However, in contemporary social media (i.e. Youtube), it's become an internet gag used as a racial sterotype by the number 1350. 13/50. 13 % of American Americans are responsible for over (50%) of all crime.
Some spoon : "F*** my car just got stolen. Yes, he was black. Don't say it."

Some nub : "Hundred Years War"

Spoon: "..the f*ck?"
by DripDune May 23, 2021
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when asked if you can up the ante, or what more you can bring to the table, you reply "well... i can bring a 'box of hundreds'." Also refers to what you can pay for sexual services rendered. Also refers to the best you can do.
she's so fine she can have my box of hundreds right now!
by skigirl222 January 29, 2012
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When u get in the car and drive up and down mayfair road (aka "highway hundred)and go lookin for boys and get ice cream."
u gonna go cruise highway hundred tonite wit ur new liscence?
by Wayne from Ferrantes June 28, 2003
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entirely; completely.
I'm not a hundred per cent sure.
by Debskelly1985 May 12, 2023
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A Fudge. A Balancing Figured. A Cluster Fuck Cover. A lazy man's fix.
Will Phoenix covered up his incompetence by shoving in a TEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED POUND balance figure in his mongaloid spreadsheet.
by Macfac January 25, 2019
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