A term to describe a forum, subreddit, comments section, etc. of far-left individuals who strawman anyone to the right of them, mass downvote anyone who disagrees with them, discuss articles without reading past the headlines, and poorly criticize theories that they don't understand.
Person A: I tried reading r/politics yesterday and everyone kept attacking the Senator in the article's title because the headline made him sound racist when he was just trying to place an amendment on a bill
Person B: Sounds like a Left Wing Circle Jerk
by SueDeNym's pseudonym July 3, 2020
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A conference room circle jerk is when many management consultants gather to express their intelligence (see clown posse) while not getting anything done. Although many individuals who engage in this behavior come from a fraternity background, a conference room circle jerk has the opposite rules of "soggy biscuit" in that the goal is not to climax early, but rather to hold back your "pearls of wisdom" until the end of the designated meeting end time. This makes you appear to be the smartest person in the room. The loser or the consumer of the "soggy biscuit" is the individual who is in the room not paying attention while attempting to complete actual work. This person is assigned any (usually asinine) action items from the meeting.
Paul: Wow, what a conference room circle jerk! We literally spent three hours of my life that I will never get back.

Ed: That sounds terrible. Who ate the soggy biscuit?

Paul: Unfortunately Eric, he was dealing with a client issue while trying to keep his sanity during the clown show.
by B-MAG November 3, 2013
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When a group of people are thoughtlessly agreeing with each other even if they are holding opposing views.
"Why are all those people talking at the same time? Are they high?"
Nah dude, they're having a Blind Circle-Jerk.
by GroceryClerk July 4, 2018
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To do the popular dance The Jerk, in a subway with a group of atleast 3 people, while chanting "Circle jerk! Circle jerk!" enthusiastically.
It is an extremely cool way to seem sophisticated in the subway situation.
1. Stef and Ali yelled at the passangers to circle jerk with them!
2. You can't circle jerk alone.
3."You're a jerk"
-"I know"

"So let's circle jerk!"
by DoubletroubleA March 2, 2010
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An event in which a group of males form a circle and masturbate as if their penises were the crank of a Gatling Gun until they ejaculate straight up into the air.
"Sorry, I'm busy this weekend, the boys and I are planing to have a Gatling Gun Circle Jerk."
by A Very Concerned Avocado April 4, 2020
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Based off the original term of "Circle Jerk", where a group of people stroke each others' egos by agreeing with one another.. a Baha'i Circle Jerk is similar.

Baha'is believe that they should only practice "consultation" to avoid disunity caused by arguing. Thus, they sit around agreeing with each other and never actually discussing any of the real issues concerning their faith.

Any sort of constructive criticism towards the Baha'i Circle Jerk is ignored and proclaimed as "not favoring unity".
Bob: I read this silly blog a couple of days ago.

Sally: What was it about?

Bob: Oh, it was just a huge Baha'i Circle Jerk. I tried to argue with one of them but they all ignored what I had to say.
by Duke Webelos January 25, 2011
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when you and a friend run a train on a chick and you grab a bottle of tartar sauce fill her mouth and vagina and them slap her in the face whole yelling out "arggg" like a pirate
Bro this chick let us run a surf and turf circle jerk i was dead lol
by ilikegilfs July 1, 2014
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