4 definitions by SueDeNym's pseudonym

A term to describe a forum, subreddit, comments section, etc. of far-left individuals who strawman anyone to the right of them, mass downvote anyone who disagrees with them, discuss articles without reading past the headlines, and poorly criticize theories that they don't understand.
Person A: I tried reading r/politics yesterday and everyone kept attacking the Senator in the article's title because the headline made him sound racist when he was just trying to place an amendment on a bill
Person B: Sounds like a Left Wing Circle Jerk
by SueDeNym's pseudonym July 3, 2020
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LWCJ, an acronym for a Left Wing Circle Jerk, is a forum, page, group, comments section, subreddit, etc. that is so exceedingly far left that it is full of comments making strawmans about anyone politically to the right of them, mass downvoting anyone who doesn't agree with them, attacking theories they don't fully understand, and/or reposting and debating articles that they haven't read beyond the headline.
Person 1: Have you checked out the comments sections of r/politics and r/news?
Person 2: I can't stand them, they're just LWCJ. I'm a registered democrat, and even I wouldn't try to have a civil discussion with one of those nutjobs
by SueDeNym's pseudonym July 3, 2020
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OCCB stands for the Online Classes Coronavirus Bump, the increase in GPA following online classes.
Person A: I got straight As last semester.
Person B: Nah, that's just the OCCB
by SueDeNym's pseudonym August 8, 2020
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A statement of unadulterated stupidity, often implying that the speaker is an incel or is struggling with a mental illness
Guy 1: I'm an alpha, loli-slaying god
Guy 2: That sounds like a Patrickism
by SueDeNym's pseudonym November 19, 2019
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