Yo dude, why are you looking so chippy?

My girl thinks im cheating on her
by Soph L March 15, 2019
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a weeb fag that plays osu! but only farms pp maps in 24 hour streams every week but if his osu!streaming career goes down the shiter then he has a future career as a kpop artist Kappa
one guy to the other
guy 1: did you see wubwoofwolf singing on his stream!!! i was like an BibleThump
guy 2 : that was not even good compared to chippy PogChamp
guy 1 : who is chippy? LUL
guy 1 : just some mediocre player that somhow gets alot of viewers on his twitch streams FeelsBadMan
guy 2 : i will check his singing skills *opens youtube* *searches daidai jermone* *crying eyes out because it is to angelic* FeelsGoodMan
by mangeHD January 11, 2017
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He's a right chippy, won't stop telling lies
by Ennyrock July 14, 2021
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(Australia, New Zealand) A potato chip (hot chip or crisp).
by Mountkosiosko July 11, 2021
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An alcoholic fuck doll that will ask you for money (probably for more alcohol) and hit up every guy within a three hour radius to fuck also makes up obviously fake lies so people will feel sorry
Did you see chippy fuck all the guys at the party last night?
by that not so fat Ass June 27, 2022
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A server which often has damglish inside, for example, speaking about Chippy and damglish is in all of the topics about the one and only god. Famous YouTuber Damian Mackin speaking Damglish in this server is very funny.
Why are you still speaking in the Chippy Appreciation Server?
I like the damglish in the Chippy Appreciation server!!
by jakeurbandictionary108 October 10, 2021
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The world's best discord server ever. Please don't shoot me.
I really like Chippy Appreciation Server! It's the best, but I don't like the damglish
by jakeurbandictionary108 September 20, 2021
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