A person that beats there meat to skeet while music is playing in background
by bill cosby number 1 February 1, 2018
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A man who lives off their woman, free and does not contribute, work or do shit to help out around the house, basically makes the woman take care of him.
I don't want no free skeeter's in my life! I want a man!
by philthebomb July 22, 2016
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When a dueshbag is sitting with a group of friends, and everyone is talking to each other and theres the one person who when they are so into thier phone, that they seem to ignore any questions and then respond 5 mins later to something totally different than they were just asked.
I was talking to Ron at the party, but he was skeetering so much that he didnt even know i was talking to him
by jageerox August 8, 2015
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A derogatory term that refers to people who are sexually attracted to cheese and like show it in public settings.
Oh look there’s that god damn cheese skeeter
by Zwazee April 25, 2023
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A device used to measure the amount of ejaculatory fluids stored in one ones testicals
Just found out I'm ready to spluge after I checked my Skeeter Meter
by McSkeet September 15, 2011
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A group lead by their Tribal Chief, Jaivir
It's the pimper skeeters
by epicxcalsterio September 4, 2023
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