A mix of all of the miscellaneous fluids and solids left after an orgy.
Carl passed out early and was left to deal with the house blend in the morning.
by Potato Crunch April 2, 2018
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A blended version of a woman's vagina, similar to a cold waffle just blended.
Hey man, have you acted like Dahmer and had a blended waffle lately?
by BongooCatt December 19, 2021
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for mainly African Americans, when yo fade doesn't blend into hair to skin
boy you got no blend for $10
by Yung minister November 16, 2014
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A kick ass Danish Rock band, they dont have many tracks but they have some solid songs such as "Laughing at your feet" and "Stoned Memories" with Jimmy Månsson as a lead vocalist and guitarist
Jimmy Månsson: Meeemories, i cant believe i was stoned
Person 1: Blended Brew is fucking amazing
Me: Ja, makker
by DragonDan August 1, 2019
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A regular, simple, woman for whom anything outside for "normal" is "shocking!", and inconceivable in real life, due to trying to blend in high school, and having never learnt any lessons since then.

Eg. the notion that some men and women could be into BDSM and not just acting. Not going to a show because one's students might be at a show or see her in pictures, and how scandalous would that be‽
She's just some blend chick nterviewing Jim Carrey and thinks she's the shit because she's on TV.
by fragmede September 15, 2017
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When you are just so mad at something, you can’t help but want to blend your socks

The act of putting socks in the blender due to rage
That post was so idiotic it made me want to blend my socks
by Soulflared April 9, 2022
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It is an expression used to describe a type of work that is mixed; specifically, It is work that involves working in the office and working from home.
While blended working, I can, finally, do something personal.
by Bioengineer June 27, 2023
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