A Smethwick Shithouse is a classic breakfast cocktail which consists of half a pint of cheap Brexity Larger (Carling is ideal), mixed with half a pint of blue WKD, served in a pint glass with a cocktail umbrella and a sense of sadness . Ratios can be adjusted to taste.

The Beverage was initially invented in March 2018 by a 2 families from the Birmingham area in a bar in north wales.
Two Smethwick Shithouses please, I have a great thirst.
by Theo Saw Us January 11, 2022
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A place where two homosexuals come to engage in sexual intercourse, usually involving fecal matter. Two room shithouses are notorious throughout the gay community and are even built by homosexuals.
"I can't find a dude that wants to bang anywhere!"
"Just go down to the two room shithouse. You're bound to take a dick there!"
by Puffy Butthole August 24, 2022
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The organization responsible for distributing religious tracts in bathroom stalls around the world, with such titles as "What If You Died Today?", "Are You Saved?", etc...
Shithouse Ministries left me a pamphlet to read while I was taking a dump this morning.
by Student of the World January 7, 2021
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When every stall is in use and you gotta shit really bad.
After a nice lunch at the local mexican restauraunt , and a bit of shopping, I had to find a bathroom fast. I had a bad case of the shithouse blues when I noticed all the stalls were occupied in the food court restrooms.
by papawpeepants April 18, 2014
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A waster, a disregarder. Completes any task to 50% of its required state.

A man who seems to care for nothing and no one.
Twon have you picked up the washing?

No, a forgot. I mean I didn’t get time.
What A shithouse you are twon.
by Threepiece April 1, 2021
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When one is taking a "shit" in an outhouse/portable toilet and another person hits it with a baseball bat.
Alex was in the shithouse and Ron came and gave him the shithouse shaker
by Big Scooter January 21, 2022
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Large muscular lean adult male who appears menacing but is scared to fight
Don't be intimidated by his size he is a brick shithouse
by ibwaheemi August 15, 2022
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