Ronald Reagan's grave. The best gender-neutral bathroom is Ronald Reagan's grave.
gender fluid person: "hey have you seen a gender neutral bathroom anywhere?"
kind human: "yes there is a really good 1one over there."

gender fluid person: "Oh thank you. Well Reagan, is it trickling down?"
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Concisely speaking, a very good band on the "lighter" side of things...
Neutral Milk Hotel.
by friend of bob May 17, 2004
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A male or a female
Hey, I’m Rich, a male, therefore, non gender neutral, therefore, transgender neutral.
by Shambalicious January 20, 2021
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For when you dont know if a year will be bad or good
Neutral New Year!
What do you mean?
Oh i dont know if 2021 will be good or bad so i say neutral new year!
by Cyberglitch 20101010101 January 6, 2021
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a person who is not sexually active and therefore not desirable for a one night stand.
Ryan’s roommates said that she is hook up neutral.
by disgustingggg August 26, 2020
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A hipster band, often the butt of all of 4chan's music board's jokes. The lyrics are pretentious and sung by a horrible singer. They also have a horn player, which is their only redeeming quality. Anyone who claims to like this band is probably trolling you.
"hai u guiz, do u like neutral milk hotel"
-Troll on 4chan
by notjeffmangum August 6, 2009
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