A drug admixture used at parties, meant to mimic the use of cocaine, without the risks associated with it.
Ingredients: MDMA, Adderall, Caffeine, Alcohol
*Many college students choose to use Four Loko for the last two ingredients, but true connoisseurs of FC use a stronger liquor such as scotch or brandy, combined with Red Bull or Five-Hour Energy.
Dude 1: "Bro, do you have coke?"
Dude 2: "Nah fam, coke is gay. Try this shit, it's called Fiddler's Cocaine, its basically coke but less gay and not deadly."

10 minutes later:
Dude 1: "Yerrrrrrr!!!!"
by Osama bin Fuckin April 9, 2018
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Which someone’s head in your lap you slowly gain an erection that works it’s way into their ear
As he tried to rest his weary eyes in his friend’s lap he was jolted awake by a fiddler’s tickle.
by Alogen Jonaziger July 24, 2023
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Term most commonly used in descriptions of Charlie Hutton. See also nonce, pedo and cradle-snatcher
Look its a kiddie fiddler, must be Charlie Hutton on the prowl
by PedohuntersNI November 12, 2019
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A Kiddie fiddler is another name for pedometer, meaning that an adult likes to toucheck kids
Yo, that guy over there is some Kiddie fiddler
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a person who likes to touch himself or other people repeatedly.
get out of here mori your a fiddler
by FernGmod September 6, 2022
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Someone who has a violin and plays it Cooley. BUT! If you are on the roof and a fiddler, you got a MASSIVE COCK
by Jwharris44 March 6, 2022
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Someone who plays in an irish band and fell in love with an english man.
Kit is such a fiddler, did you see her play in the band last night?
by faggot158282927 July 1, 2021
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