"The Zombies" happen after a night of smoking marijuana. To have "the zombies one would feel groggy and slow (still high) for 1-5 hours after waking up. "Some zombies" is also an acceptable phrase.
John Sample "Man, i got the zombies and I'm going to go take my midterm."
$+33\/: "Bummer d00d."


$+33\/: I got some zombies goin broski.
Broski: Double plus uncool.
by $+33\/ April 24, 2008
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The act of jizzing into a girl's eyes after she gives you oral pleasures, causing her to go temporarily blind and walk around with her arms stretched out to navigate in the same fashion as a zombie.
"Dood she was stumbling around after I gave her a zombie, it was like the friggin' night of the living dead"
by Rayn, Bitches August 11, 2006
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The act of making someone look in another direction, so that when they look back at you you have a ridiculous face on with your eyes rolled back and your tongue sticking out, looking like the pervebial zombie. This is done a lot in schools like La Salle and Columbus.

This was made famous by David Guerra (the biggest boss that you have seen thus far).
Dude i just zombied Mr. Isenberg, he was so mad that I was afraid that he would have a heart attack, you know being that he is 105 years old and all.

Get zombied on niggit!

I tried to zombie my bitch of girlfriend and that cunt had the nerve to slap me in the face.
by David Guerra May 6, 2008
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Being drunk to the point where others could possibly mistake you for a zombie. Key points of interest being wobbly legs, crooked shoulders, incoherent mumbling and an open drooling mouth. Other signs are ripped/dirty clothing from falling down a hill or randomly rolling around in a field.
"Dude, did you hear what happened to Jimmy?"
"Yeah, he got totally zombied and crashed a speedboat into a helicopter."
"Crazy shit, huh?"
by MajiksMonster August 20, 2009
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when you are giving anal sex to a woman you pretend to blow all over her back by spitting on to it and when she turns around to look blow your load over her face but her eyes especially and this shcok will cause her to walk around with her arms held out looking for something to wipe her eyes with!
i gave yo momma a zombie and she walked off a cliff....POW!
by brendan benson May 24, 2006
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An individual who has a very attractive body but a face that would make medusa turn to stone. So called because the only way of dealing with a zombie is to remove the head.
Marvin: Darren, meet my friend Jill.

Darren: my god! what a zombie!

(Jill runs away sobbing)
by Randal Leadbelcher September 20, 2007
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a zombie is an undead soul it is humanoid and hence possesses a creed ie being a zombie is possible but hard for humans to attain... it does not thrive of the flesh of other living beings but the flesh of the living god from within
"i had a zombie body" says the living god... back before the flood but i was able to save myself and did not just only live the once few that was close
by angus macfarlane March 16, 2007
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