Indian/Pakistani/Hindu People / or those who wear turbans (IE: Sikhs)
Dude, my taxi driver was a Turban Cowboy
by Hatman1969 January 30, 2012
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An extreme attraction to Sikh men that wear turbans. It is a distinct type of attraction that is exclusively associated with Sikh turban styles. The turban becomes a masculine symbol–acting as a mating call to women–attracts women interested in real men. A full, luscious beard can accentuate the sexual desire of women with turban fever.
She's got turban fever banging all those Sikh men with turbans.
by Arywn August 3, 2017
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A Turban Dickson Airy is a part of the social media attire of the truest “radicals.” As they say. The clothes make the man. It is often donned upon realizing one’s speech is too inflammatory for traditional avenues, but one’s need for comic relief remains yearning. Often considered a healthy alternative to masturbation, which while fine in small amounts, carries the risk of warping you into a sex fiend.

After airing the good words, the TDA is often forgotten about, potentially offending others accidentally, because that is the nature of the troll.
Brah: You think Diamonddick really wants to “Complete DaVinci’s Circle”?

Bro: Nah, his infernal machine, that “Big Ben” of his, makes him want guys who bully women into putting shit up their ass to get bullied into putting shit up their ass... but really, the diamonddick forgets he has a Turban Dickson Airy
by DiamondDick9 February 15, 2021
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Term used in the Afgan War indicating that your are switching sides in fighting or loyalty, usually under the influence of monetary reward.
The US Government will pay you in 100 dollar bills, if you work for the Taliban and consider turning your turban.
by Quido1 December 1, 2009
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when you send all the wrong kind of signals to a person of the opposite sex when you have absolutely no intentions of starting a relationship.

usually just for the kick/thrill of knowing that you can. people who play with other people's turbans are usually regarded as jerk-offs.
"is Anthony two-timing his girlfriend with that new babe?"

"nah, he's just playing with her turban"
by jetxian May 31, 2009
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Wrapping your testicles in a cloth (usually cold and wet) to provide comfort on hot days.
Mike was sweating buckets at his desk and thus proceeded to put on an upside down turban.
by Steve Saner May 16, 2006
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