Webhost --- Free --- Awesome --- need I say more?
Can I have webhosting Flare
by Raymond December 1, 2003
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An expensive Drug in which the user would have to inject
That guys a junkie; he's shoots up flares
by SlangGods March 16, 2015
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To jizz oneself
*Albie and Ryan are standing*
*Erica walks by and Ablie reaches for his crotch while simultaneously displaying his O Face*
Ryan: "What happened? Did you just pop a flare?"
Albie: "Yeah...I popped a flare"
Ryan: *Steps away* "Yeah I figured"
Ablie: "Yeah..."
by gosox19 May 24, 2013
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A very talented Runescape player, not very well known. But one event involves him being "scammed" for an item worth "30m" in-game by another player called sir-auroth, he valued pixels over friends.
by ricky66tt February 22, 2008
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1. The name you call someone who is trash
2. The name you call someone who is a pussy
3. The name you call someone who sucks that thicc dicc
by Yer fat mum April 2, 2018
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The sexy persian touch nobody else has
Wow! She has the Persian Flare
by good jon jones June 23, 2019
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A situation that arises when one or both partners in a romantic relationship are infatuated and distracted by each other that they become oblivious to what is happening in the world around them. It could be they just were not paying attention to their surroundings or they just don’t care. It is not usually done on purpose or to be intentionally mean as they are just distracted.
Luna: Hey Ivan. How are you doing today?
Ivan does not respond to her at all.

Luna: Ivan. How are you doing?
Ivan continues not to respond. Luna turns to Sergio.
Luna: Why is Ivan not responding to me?

Sergio: He is with his girlfriend right now, whom he is easily distracted by. He is probably suffering from a romantic lens flare. I think she will be leaving in a few minutes though, which hopefully he will listen once she leaves.
by Vanguard 1998 June 13, 2021
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