'A' ; Woah, who is that awesome girl over there?
'B' ; Oh her? That's Nuha Adriana. She's totally awesome.
by zahinepic March 3, 2023
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Adriana, the most awesome person in the world. Talk to her about undertale and she will non stop talk about it for approximately 6 hrs, 37 mins, 4.75 secounds. She is the most funniest and smartest person ever, writing all her English essays with ease. You should totally buy the Adriana mug tho, it’s great.
god i want to fucking kill Adriana.
no you don't, shes awesome! (blatant lie)
by KaironeBalone October 9, 2022
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If a girl has this name, don’t burn her, you will never win her trust again. They tend to be honest, generous & intelligent. They are born into a family or social status that’s never too poor, maybe middle income family. But from a young age the girl make friends with upper class or most of her pals have great personality just like her. She has a truthful heart & not easy to get in her pants.

You will love her if you get know her. She has a big heart, beautiful smile & body figure. But the girl has a problem, she’s not a slut but has a high sex drive & will fuck the man out of you. She appear innocent & calm but if you want to be her partner be warned the girl called Adriana has this high sex drive but appear innocent & calm. A wild thing in the bedroom. She’s probably religious & have high moral standards, so you will never know until your her partner or something, once she gives you her heart, your life will be 1billion times better. She’s an incredible woman to fall in love with. Adrianas are the best people & deserve so much out of life. They are so pure & innocent. Full of love, heaven on earth, when this girl cry, heaven cries because their hearts tend to be pure & genuine
Adriana is so kind
She’s an incredible life partner
by Knowledgetosave June 13, 2022
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adriana. my best friend. she's literally the best person I've ever! she's so loyal,trust worthy and loves animes..really much! anyways,Im always happy when I see that she texted me, when we meet in person, when we facetime or even when we just see us for 0.1 seconds in school! she's really kind, but if you choose to make her mad you are clearly choosing the hard way. she's really good at speaking english! I love you adriana! ❤️
me : ugh..i wish adriana was here
adriana: SURPRISE!

me : adrianaaa! yayy
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Adriana! is that Adriana she’s beautiful she has hazel eyes and brown hair she falls in love easily
Adriana dang she cute!
by Jaylein December 2, 2019
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She has a very beautiful soul. Very good at keeping secrets. One of the best friends a person could ever ask for. Everything about her is perfect.
Adriana so beautiful
by smartdudefrfr February 11, 2023
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The most beautiful and most perfect girlfriend you‘ll ever have but the Adriana i know is mine and i will not share her at any cost because i cannot lose her at all.

You will love her your entire life and so will i, no matter what happens i will marry her and i need her in my life

She is a perfect, beautiful, honest, understanding, respectful, direct, intelligent, fascinating, helping, sweet, lovable person and everytime you'll see her you'll melt just from seeing her be herself and after a while she might open up to you and if she does you'll never want to let go of her and you'll never want another women befor her.

She makes me happy and I really want to marry her some day and make her the happiest person on earth before me because she makes me happy at times when happiness seems like a lie.
“Adriana is my girlfriend”
Holy shit man you're so lucky”

“Absolutely and I want to marry her as soon as we can
by Ricky loves you adriana October 14, 2022
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