when yo mamas giving me da gawk gawk bro on gawd she makes it juicy oh mah lawd im prayin for deez nuts to be full of wet slimy sticky sticky milky

I'm feeling so good right now, you could suck my big black balls swinging left and right side to side up and down swaying like yo mamas jaws when she gives me da gawk gawk 9000
by Hunky Requis with larger testi September 10, 2021
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lina#9000 is a very experienced edater, Cute ascendant valorant e girl
Will ara ara for you after every kill you get.
lina#9000 is such a kawaii baka
by embracelol April 21, 2023
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this is what lil z said in windows 96 lol
#urban 1048576
Square number of 1024
#urban 9000 #urban 9000
by iamreal2098 December 5, 2021
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isma#9000 cleanest young man ever (rich too)
isma#9000 cleanest young man ever (rich too)
by blackboy23 July 17, 2022
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ball cracker 9000 -a weapon usually used in the mid evil times to bludgeon an enemies private parts till eventually they have a fate worse than death.
ball cracker 9000- it is a weapon of mas destruction that if used on a person it can severely damage a persons genitals until they die
by hunju August 27, 2021
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Some name you call someone as an insult idfk
Jim: hey look! It's cock sucker 9000!
Davis: haha, very funny Jim
by Not-Cinnamon-bitez April 22, 2021
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A term for a powerful, imposing feminine woman. Her mortal enemy is Futchzilla. Mostly used in the kpop fandom.
unstoppable force (jihyo futchzilla) meets an immovable object (sana femmetron 9000) -kdhsoul
by Futchzilla July 11, 2023
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