the exact time eleanor was born. holds no affiliation with cannabis culture.
On 4:20, we light up - birthday candles.
by m_e_h August 3, 2018
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Time to get the crack out and smoke it hard. 4:20 when weed is a need. Don't go without smoking a joint when it's 4:20
Ah yo it's 4:20 time to smoke a joint.
by DEeZeNUtZ_HOTLINE December 26, 2022
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The day where you smoke weed.
"Bro its 4/20 are you stoned yet?"
"Sah Dude"
"So thats a yes"
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many people consume weed, or marijuana on April 20th because the abbreviated version of the date is 4/20
Alex: "What do you wanna do for 4/20?"
by 0110101010101001010010101 April 20, 2019
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The one day where cops can't arrest you for being in possession for marijuana.
Man 1: Hey guess what day it is?
Man 2: What?
Man 1: 4/20 bro!!
Man 2: Hell yeah bro!!
by Bottletop69 April 21, 2018
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4/20 the day where its legal to smoke pot/weed anywhere
tasha: so wtp for 4/20
jay: smoking weed in front of cops is illegal

tasha: not on 4/20 so we gonna do it
by issa_sav_life April 20, 2018
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