Brownies that have marijuana baked inside them. They take care of the munchies feeling that they produce.
Since marijuana has been legalized in Colorado there has been an unlimited supply of Colorado baked brownies, they give a whole new meaning to rocky mountain high.
by Tom Stillin November 14, 2012
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An Ohio no-bake is a sexual experience and an Ohio tradition. When a man ejaculates into the anus of his significant partner. After the ejaculation the significant partner poops out both sperm and fecal mater , mushes it all together in what looks like a no bake cookie. And then they feed it to each other . No baking required .
Maybe tonight is the night we try the Ohio no bake ?
by Meowbarkroofhiss63 February 22, 2019
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half-baked, half-baking

To quit using marijuana or any other drug to please, keep or get back a lover (Note: derived from the ending of the film Half Baked)
After I half-baked it, my girlfriend and I have had sex more often.

I half-baked it for John.

Will you half-bake it for me?

I am half-baking it to save my marriage.
by Ereck Flowers December 17, 2010
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Lady bakes a brownie on the sidewalk when she couldn't make it to the toilet. dump
by rollonman January 15, 2018
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A yummy concoction of vegetables encased in bread. No longer called a pocket because of the crude relation to belly button lint.
"So. What are you eating for dinner?"

"Dude. Im eating an amazing baked veggie capsule. Because im a badass vegetarian. Gotta represent."
by Brianne King September 19, 2006
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The act in which most employees take part in on their breaks at their respected place of work.

Pretty self explanatory but for all you noobs, it's when employees smoke weed on their breaks.
Daniel: "Hey it's almost our lunch break... you down to Break N' Bake?"

Charlie: "I'm still feeling it from our last Break N' Bake but I'm always down."

Daniel: "I love to Break n' Bake!"
by Trent Dman January 15, 2012
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To prevent someone from getting "baked", "stoned", or "high".
You Bake Block somebody by preventing them from getting baked high usually to benefit yourself in some way. You blow out the lighter as they were about to light up a joint.
by Aimeetheryet August 9, 2010
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