A Waldo is a sex offender, also is a child predator, and lastly is a pedophile
He's a Waldo
by Realest_Goon_IX February 21, 2017
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Someone who always hides and you are forced to find
by LLAMA twaimz November 1, 2015
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1. Character from a children's book

2. Prison slang for guards are coming.
Ok here's 1 gram of weed. "WALDO!!"
OH SHIT!! I've gotta hide this weed!!
by Thefanman February 13, 2017
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Waldo is a beautiful name...mostly used as a last name, Waldo's are beautiful and funny. They have these laugh that lights up the room.
wow is that a waldo? I love her laugh!
by 0523idk November 7, 2017
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Waldo is the best person on earth , so smart, talented, handsome and amazing, no one can compete
« This man is so out my league ». « Yes because its Waldo »
by Adam Driver September 8, 2022
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A person who never shows up to practice and always gets roasted and is easily depressed And has terrible Grammer
Hey do you see that gay kid Waldo
by The legendary cool guy January 1, 2016
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Waldo: A person who is in multiple group photos with no real reason for being there, this person needs to feel important or "cool" so they will find any way to b in front of the camera.
Also see waldoing and dickbagging
Guy1;Dude who's this guy in the picture

Guy2;That's Bryce he's a total Waldo

Guy1;What a dickbag
by C.mf.w.b January 18, 2014
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