This act involves a one member of the couple to ride on the other. (like sitting on a chair) While at a public function, without anyone knowing.
At the next family function my aunt and uncle thought they were pulling a undercover rocking chair, but everyone knew they were fucking. Fucking amateurs.
by RustyRunner February 14, 2018
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The combination of fecal matter and semen that accumulates under your foreskin after unprotected anal sex
"Dude I had sex last night and have all this shit under my dick skin"
"Oh yeah man, that's undercover truffle butter. You gotta wrap it up or make him shit first"
by Umgowa July 19, 2017
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I can't believe G-Union wasted good money watching the first in this Undercover Brother series to begin with! He must not have an appreciation for Mandy Moore movies.
by diction July 15, 2003
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One who refuses to get their own FB account and instead uses their spouse of significant other's account. This allows them to truthfully deny having an account. This person uses the account to check up on family members and friends.
Sister: "Dad was on mom's FB account again! He grounded me because I cursed on FB."
Brother: "Yeah, he's such an Undercover FB User."
by Lolita75 January 12, 2010
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Really poor sex act that seems like it goes on forever, but secretly it's only about 30 seconds or so...
Unfortunately, despite my hopes, he was an Undercover Time Machine in bed...
by BK516 October 5, 2017
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A girl 17 or older who really likes hello kitty and seems cute and innocent, but turns out to be really freaky in bed. (in all good ways of course.)
Bro talk: man, I met this girl who really likes hello kitty man, and I thought she was gonna be pretty regular in bed but dude, I'm telling you. Total freak, and I love it. She's a hello kitty undercover freak!
by George hernandez September 14, 2012
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wot cops say wen one of there fellow cops is killed, is used in the song deep cover
Cop : theres bin a 1-8-7 on the motorway

chief: damn this is all we need where a man down
by Wilson 1-8-7 in it May 9, 2005
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