A slang word consisting of two insults: Bitch and Cunt
most commonly know to be used by australians
"you fucking Bint Barry!" said Nick
"fuck off Nick!" he replied
by im-gonna-rob-you March 14, 2018
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A word which is very very versatile and can generate be used in bassically every context. Possible meaning, idiot, annoying, stupid, rude
‘Mrs Felicia is so annoying’
Yesh I know what a bint
by Megatron2000 April 1, 2019
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From the Arabic for 'girl', usually used to refer to hijabis
Don't post that, you'll make the bints mad
by (void*) July 8, 2021
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Bint, (بنت) means daughter in arabic.
ابنتي لديها كلب. (a"bint"i ladayha kalba.)(my daughter has a dog)
by jkosaaa October 2, 2021
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The act of binting ones bogos is to walk up behind them, and slap their ass as hard as you physically can. The technique to achieve maximum slap is to bend into it on your knee, extend your elbow into the slap, and go *through* your target in a sense.
"Turn around, I'm going to bint your bogos, thomas."
'But i don't wan- AAAAHH!'

After which he will likely hit the floor in agony.
by Schmid the blid March 17, 2023
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