A thirteen year old with a pretty spectacular life. She talks about (but never actually eats) cereal, can get her license at 13, and is good personal friends of a thirty-year-old black rapper! She spends her weekends getting mad crunked, getting high on pixie sticks and holding boys' hands. Also, she can recite the days of the week. Pretty damn special, ya dig?
Stephanie: Oh crap! Which seat should i choose?
Amber: Ask Rebecca Black!
by mileycyrusgavemeaids March 19, 2011
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A really big failure in life and in music. She has managed to fail using auto tune in her life threatening song Friday were she sings a song written by a 4 year old with a 50 year old raper. she was lead of 26% of the viewers of the video do turn emo and 4% screamed till they died and the other 70% didn't make it half way through with out crying
Oh yea my friend tried watching it and he went in his closet with a loaded shotgun and came out in a body bag Rebecca Black
by Mitchshsh.ca March 22, 2011
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Rebecca Black is a 13 year old, American pop singer who gained widespread attention with her 2011 single "Friday" through the vanity record label Ark Music Factory. The song has gone completely viral for all the wrong reasons. The music video uploaded to YouTube has received over 62 million views, as of March 28, 2011. It has been called the "worst song ever" Because of its horrible lyrics and auto-tuned singing. She has been a target for cyberbullying and has admitted to cry after the responses of some of the comments.
Rebecca Black we dont hate you because you're famous.
Youre famous because we hate you.
OMG have you heard the new song friday? Yes it's horrible.

Its been on my head for days! I cant stop listening to it.
by Hipsterishere March 29, 2011
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A horrible, terrible, obnoxious singer who doesn't know which seat to sit in.
Guy 1: Did you just hear that horrible singer?
Guy 2: Yeah, totally rebecca black'ed that song
by emperorjin March 18, 2011
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Any kind of girl with a singing ability that ranges from below average to shellshock-inducing.

Rebecca Blacks also tend to be indecisive, such as choosing where to sit in cars or what to wear to parties. They also have a rather scary affiliation for Fridays.
Make sure you wear noise-canceling headphones when you're near a Rebecca Black, unless you'd like to drown your ears in blood.
by ShogunSlinger March 18, 2011
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A girl who sung the song "Friday", reached the top 100 downloads on iTunes and millions of view on YouTube, with 10x as many dislikes as likes.

Hated by many, Rebecca Black is also known as the female Justin Bieber. If the fact she isn't remotely attractive isn't enough, then her voice will certainly scare you away.
Rebecca Black is retarded.
by TheUltimateCool March 21, 2011
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After being 'discovered' by ARK music factory, her single 'Friday', (released on Youtube) became a national hit. The song 'Friday', expresses real problems that adolescents of this generation face today. Such as, decisions of choosing where to sit, (in a car filled with 4 people, where the front seats are clearly occupied). Her monotone voice (airbrushed with auto-tune) accents the beauty of the song. During the music video, children are driving on highways, on their way to a party. A middle-aged African american raps. And these young children are narrow mindedly standing in a car whilst 'driving' down a highway.
It is still a mystery to whether or not this is a joke, or heart felt lyrics.

LIKE L-O- freakin-L
by hardcorehipsterr March 19, 2011
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