Also known as westside that has beef with southeast and trust me southeast fuck them all upp
they talk online but in real life changed up like ben 10
west melbourne gangs are pussios
by West side melbourne March 31, 2020
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When you wrap your sexual partner up in a blanket tight enough that they can not free themselves, then proceed to have anal intercourse with them.

Wrapped and stuffed like a south Melbourne dim sim...
"what are you doing with that blanket?"
"You're about to become a south Melbourne dim sim, and I'm hungry"
by Elvis Jabber Abdul Jabar May 31, 2020
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The act of extreme gaslighting and modern day brownshirts creating a socialist gulag. Another word for homosexual.
Anyone still buying into the narrative must have an IQ under 100. These guys(opposite of men) are suffering from an extreme virtue signaling in their rears from their boyfriends, aka the Melbourne Mania
by Melbourne Maniacs January 23, 2022
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A pretty city in Victoria. there are lots of dogs and cafes as well as pretty gardens and cool stuff to do in the city.
everyone here is really nice and its kinda like portland or newyork with less people and better coffee (best coffee ever here). Melbourne is also know for its four seasons in one day cause the weather changes a lot!
if you live in melbourne or were born there you are a melbournion
"hey im going to melbourne!"
"cool drink lots of coffee!"
"hey lets have a picnic its really hot and sunny"
"nah its meant to rain later"
by istilldontgettumbler November 7, 2017
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Melbourne is the fag capital of Australia.
(first cunt) "you been to melbourne before" (second cunt) "nah that's the fag capital of Australia, only poofters live there"
by ice age 4 April 22, 2022
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Absolute shithole, you can find it in Victoria, and because its in pom land there are lots of stabbings shootings and Rangas out to steal your sunscreen, to much fucking traffic, it takes 4 hours to get to fucking maccas and even thats just 4 km away, absolute shithole, once again full of pigmies
Guy 1: should we go to Melbourne

Guy 2: fuck that shithole lets go to the middle of fucking nowhere
by Mika Job October 22, 2020
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