Also known as ADX Florence is the ultimate jail for the most dangerous people in the world. Terrorists, serial killers, etc. It can also be used to describe years like 2020 and 2022.
El Chapo is serving life in The United States Penitentiary, Administrative Maximum Facility also known as ADX Florence.

2020 is like ADX Florence with the stay-at-home orders.
by That Autistic Beth Israel 64 August 25, 2023
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doggo that borked 3 tims and overdosed into maximum borkdrive
Well this doggo that borked 3 tims and overdosed into maximum borkdrive
by LolDankFam September 9, 2016
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someone with God-given sex appeal, sure to turn heads when they walk into a room. Please, dont be alarmed, they love holding toes rather than hands, especially in the room you sleep in. A fighter since the womb, they will never back down from a challenge. Sure to be socially awkward art times, but you cant blame them, it takes two to create the child, and its not their mother's genes. They have a nice balance of morbid obesity yet cultured with a touch of racism. The best of both worlds one might say. Im so horny rn. Not only are their toes enormous, but so is their lower left intestine. It really gets everyone in the room gassed up. Along with luscious locks of hair, probably better than your moms, they have an uncanny resemblance to Lavar Ball (black middle aged man), but you will never hear them brag about it because of how humble they are. Basically to sum it up, this person is like taking Xanex and LSD while getting railed from the behind by a guerrilla-monster. Not to be mistaken for a guerrilla like harambe, because harambe was a pussy compared to this shit.
Person 1: "Doctor, please prescribe me something my anxiety and depression is making me want to eat ass."
Person 2: "I will prescribe you with a daily zoom call with my brotha fromah notha motha Gennifer Dorgan Phillip John Pagano Keerat Howe Octavias Maximum Security Prison 6ix9ine, their raw sexual charisma will radiate through your body and cure your problems immediately
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The highest level of suspect activity an individual can possess at any given moment. For all the reasons or no reason at all.
Something is off with Jonathan Coose, dude is maximum sus.
by Aintthe1 January 26, 2023
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The art of spinning your dick so fast you fly threw the window leaving your girl empty handed but you'll feel like you've accomplished somthing in your kinky life
The Maximum Intensity Helicopter is probably the most outrageous thing I ever did, and I'm proud of it
by SenpaiWillNeverNoticeYou March 18, 2015
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verb slang: describing someone shitting so hard, its the hardest they could possibly shit.

verb: When you sit down on the toilet and unleash an absolute storm of shit, piss, and anything else built up inside you.
“Dude. Did you see Aidan eat that golden retriever last night”
No bro, but im not surprised . That guys known to maximum shit.”
by Msafar July 29, 2022
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When a doggo uses up his 2 borks a day and accidentally borks a 3rd time and switches int maximum borkdrive.
A: What is that doggo doing?
B: He switched into maximum borkdrive!
by Neger fra grønland March 30, 2017
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