The superior language of Jiggly Latin consists of speaking through jiggling that fatty calf of yours with different jiggles each to communicate
“Hey do you know how fat that a** is”
*jiggles calf once in Jiggly Latin* -yes
by Livinlikelivyindiscity March 17, 2021
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It’s a type of energy juice that gets u in the mood for having sex
babe I’m just going out to get some jiggly juice for our date night
by Glabglaglob May 15, 2020
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it’s where something is so shocking you literally can’t speak so if you saw a sex scene on the tv you would say ‘rah getting bare jiggly wiggly styl’ or when someone’s crying go go ‘stop getting jiggly wiggly’ or when someone’s angry you would say it. it could mean anything you want it too with your mind
mike: ‘hey carol why you so mad for’

carol: ‘paul took my sunglasses off my head

mike: ‘rah your getting bare jiggly wiggly styl bro’
by ezzie bezzie June 20, 2022
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What enemies do before they fight you in the game yakuza zero they close their hands together and move them around in a certain motion as if their jiggling their knuckles.
Oh the jiggly wiggly knucklie wucklies!!
by Straightie January 26, 2023
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"Jiggly Justin" is an elderly male species, whom is incredibly, incredibly overweight... If you are known as "Jiggly Justin" you are automatically subjected to absurd amounts of mental and physical abuse, from your beloved children and lover, which is incredibly dehumanising. You will never be allowed to eat at McDonald's again, and for the rest of your life, you will have to wear a t-shirt that discriminates your size. Beware... Even if you are what is unanimously known as being a "healthy weight" you will still be bullied as "Jiggly Justin". Moreover, it is also the title of an incredibly humorous group chat on Instagram!
"Did you see Jiggly Justin over there..." (which translates to "Did you see that fat man over there...")
"My Dad is no longer allowed to eat, because he is Jiggly Justin" (which would be yourself suggesting that your Dad does not deserve to eat due to his obesity). Disclaimer: do not fat shame others, apart from if your name is Sabre, or Sockie, or Biggy, or Naz, or Slendermum...
by Flushed Away Froose April 15, 2020
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The word that will randomly slip out of your mouth when very angered. VERY ANGERED
by JigglyPefferUnite July 27, 2020
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