someone who sucks dick
you are a dank hooter,
she hoots on alot of dank
by BMFoster002 April 6, 2009
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I dont care. something you say when someone asks you a question and you dont know or care.
Micheal:What is 8+9 Morgan:i dont know i dont care i dont give a hooters bear
by Morgan August 27, 2003
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A designation for any given day in which women wear clothing revealing or accentuating their breasts at a rate greater than baseline. See also Tit Monday.
That must be the tenth tube top I've seen today. It's Hooter Day!
by rolnardz September 12, 2010
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A women normally of the slutty type who enjoys deep throating twinkies as they eat them in a very sexual manner. Women like this normally cant get a real penis and choose a twinkie instead as they are filled with white cream, just like the male genitalia.
Damn that ugly chick definetly is a twinkie hooter!

You know when a girl hasn't gone past first base because twinkie hooting is way better.
by glenis6969 March 29, 2012
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a stretchy shirt that cradles each boob and has a glittery, gaudy medallion in the middle
The real housewives of Orange County have hooter hammocks in every imaginable color.

Did you see the hooter hammock Gretchen had on last episode?
by Dignme1 March 10, 2009
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The amount of time a Hooters Girl is single and available as a dating prospect. Usually measured in milliseconds.
Guy 1: "Did you hear? Dawn the Hooters Girl is Single!"
Guy 2: "Forget it. That information is at least 10 minutes old. The Hooters Girl Opportunity Window on that one closed."
by bobandbill July 12, 2011
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