When you bro fist someone and waggle you’re fingers when you pull away
by Soggyg September 17, 2020
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A literal king at things that I dont know how the Hell it works
"Yo I heard a guy called Flare wants to challenge you" Friend 1
"Ez peace of cake"

"Loses The match"
"What the Fuc-"
by BlazeKnight May 11, 2022
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Someone who doesn't know how to play soccer
"that guy is such a flare"

- teams coach
by Not_Trash August 8, 2020
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A 'code word' I made in secondary school that became a popular word used amongst my group of friends (Squaa).

A flare is someone who goes to parties literally every week, hangs out with 'that' crowd and can hang out with anyone if none of their friends are around.

There are:

Bad Flares:

People that are flares but they are also rude, bossy...just straight up rude. Even if they are rude, they still get friends and people who, obviously, can't stand up to them and stay by their side.

Good Flares:

People that are flares and are also significantly kind, pretty much lol.
"I don't think she's a flare though, she hangs out with them people now."

"You're right, she just goes to parties with the flares, but she doesn't hang out with them at school."
by Yvngnamz November 26, 2017
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Another for the Canadian fires I made up
Danny: Have you seen the Canadian fires?
Norm: You mean the flares, right?
by DorkLore June 24, 2023
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The better way of saying somthing is cool instead of fire
Person 1:Yoooooooooooo that cow is so flare
Person 2: you mean fire
Person 1: no I mean flare

Person 2: alrighty then. But why a fucking cow?
Me: idk
by #star May 15, 2022
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A sudden burst of barely controllable anger;usually caused by a less intelligent individual with equivalent or higher social or professional status "talking shit"
1:If that teacher says ONE more word about my punctuality, you guys are gonna see the brightest flare
2: Nigga you ain't the Sun
by A.D/S October 13, 2014
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