Someone that azzah love dearly. Similar like Romeo n Juliet, deeply in love but separated by fate.

A man of his words and willing to sacrifice things for the people he love
The best Sheng Bao i have ever met!
by 123loveubao! November 16, 2022
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When someone does ketamine, and smokes DMT together for a specific high.
Damn last night I was Baoing out hard!
by Baoism June 27, 2019
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When you're having sex with a girl and you slowly shove an entire duck eggs into her ass until you both cum. Afterwards, you both eat it.
Dude, she wanted me to Dirty Bao her but I couldn't stomach the egg afterwards.
by PewtieBewtie June 5, 2020
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xiao ming bao is the answer to everything when you can’t convince but don’t know how to confuse. People just accept it, even though no one knows what xiao ming bao really is.
Question: what is 2+2
Rhesa: xiao ming bao
by galigma June 23, 2023
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Bao Toh(Singlish). Original Meaning: Bun knife (Hokkien)

Alternate Meaning: To tattle. The phrase also refers to sabotage, to betray secrets or “tell” on others. The long bun knife is possibly used to describe the backstabbing.
“You are dating his girlfriend and he finds it out?”

“He confirm will bao toh you sia
by Summersummeexia February 20, 2022
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A girl whom you REALLY need. She can be MIA at times but somehow when you really need someone, you can DEFINETELY count on her. A precious treasure, a must have person in ANYONE's life!
Be a Bao EN! She's so awesome!
by Musicofmine November 24, 2021
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