A business run in a manner, which is so sloppy and/or incompetent, that it creates a knock-on effect that ultimately leads to bigger problems or the demise of said business.
"E-Racing have gone so far downhill, they're inconsistent, there's zero effort from management, all of the staff have left and no one is reading the site anymore. What a complete and utter sloppy-shop."
by Schrodingers Douchebag April 24, 2021
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Verb. To give someone a rimjob behind a Shop-Rite Grocery store.
Devin gave Aidan a Shop-Rite last night, it was gross.
by Weinerguy3245 February 17, 2017
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What you as a couple tell your kids that you are doing when you are leaving to meet up for a threesome/orgy
Bye kids! Me and your mother are going car shopping, we’ll be home later!
by CalzoneDemon March 13, 2022
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Whenever you go shopping specifically for slutty clothes.
Becky: Like i cant believe that Sarah went slut shopping just to impress Derek like OMG
Jessica: OMG that little whore
by _Jinxie June 28, 2018
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1. (n.) a place of great happiness where 3847353425872572365 editions of whopper are served by the whopper crew/team whopper in the whopper kingdom (a place created after a 5 hour conversation round a campfire in the New Forest with explorer scouts).
1. I'm going to The Whop Shop to try and collect all the Whoppers.
by gordo gay parade August 24, 2008
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When you browse through someone else’s wardrobe looking for things to wear
“Why are you looking through my clothes?”
“I’m going dickboy shopping.”

“Yo I don’t care that you don’t have a pair of jeans here, you’re not going dickboy shopping.”
by FossieLockdown January 22, 2021
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vape shop is a place online or off-line where you can buy vape products like vape pen, vape mods, vape juice, vape oil and many more.
by Tonybanks300 August 3, 2018
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