When a person goes shopping with one person, then goes shopping immediately after with a third person but has no interest in buying or looking at anything because they were all shopped out from the first trip.
Stephen went shopping with his nasty ex girlfriend for five hours, and his friend Shane got his sloppy shopping seconds for about 45 minutes before he quit.
by Chika March 30, 2010
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A business run in a manner, which is so sloppy and/or incompetent, that it creates a knock-on effect that ultimately leads to bigger problems or the demise of said business.
"E-Racing have gone so far downhill, they're inconsistent, there's zero effort from management, all of the staff have left and no one is reading the site anymore. What a complete and utter sloppy-shop."
by Schrodingers Douchebag April 24, 2021
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