3 definitions by FossieLockdown

A person who is unable to make decisions on his own, and constantly copies those of others
“Damn, did you really dickboy those kicks... you know I got them shits last year.”

“What you getting to eat?”
“I’ma get a burger.”
“Oh shit, nice Im’a get the burger too.”
“Damn you really is a dickboy.”

“Yo where did you get those jeans, I’m about to dickboy.”

“This fool really dickboyin everything I do.”
by FossieLockdown December 24, 2020
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When you browse through someone else’s wardrobe looking for things to wear
“Why are you looking through my clothes?”
“I’m going dickboy shopping.”

“Yo I don’t care that you don’t have a pair of jeans here, you’re not going dickboy shopping.”
by FossieLockdown January 22, 2021
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To directly pose of another’s decision’s or style
“Yo I had that shit fist... you really do be dickboyin.”
by FossieLockdown December 24, 2020
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