When the curtains don't match the drapes down below or that shits loose and ya can't touch the sides.
Had stingray flaps cuzzz couldn't feel a thing 😹.
by LADYPAC June 30, 2022
The flaps of a pussy that are EXTRA Stretchy and Long
Person1: Oml look at those, yum!
Lily: Are you talking about Rebecca's Meat Flaps?!
Isaiah: Hell yeah, are you jealous Lily bcz I ain't want yours?!
Person1: *Eating Her meat flaps* mm hmm uh uh mhhmhhmhh more mama cita!!
Isaiah: Get the FUCK OFF those are my MEAT FLAPS!!
by IBePourinOutTheFax May 17, 2019
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Gina's meat flaps are so enormous, they're used as a homeless shelter.
by Flexo Rodriguez November 8, 2017
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Nut into bottle cap and stick inside partners asshole
Oh yeah dude I just cap flapped my girl last night
by Sordina September 26, 2021
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Hygienically challenged, usually overweight, people can develop a residue of body secretions on their person, typically in compressed areas of the body described as "folds". It can also accumulate in the groin. This filmy substance has a distinct and unpleasant odor. Like crap.
I would go on a date with Tina, but damn she smells like flap crap. I don't want to get that stuff on my hands.

I gave Cortney a lift home, now my whole car smells like flap crap.
by WillieWonka12 January 30, 2010
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Also referred to as Oprah arm. A man or woman with with larger fat deposits on the upper arm and/or upper leg area.
Did you see her thunder flaps hulking out of her shirt?
by UserMKnight March 17, 2017
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