The guy who stares at you and your girlfriend through the McDonald's window with a milkshake.
Jeff told me that him and his girl were creeped out by a fat guy in a Weezer shirt!
by Brian Bell April 9, 2011
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The third wheel, someone who is always sitting there watching everyone else go at it or have a significant other yet themself is all alone
1.) I'm a fat man in a weezer shirt. All of my friends have someone but i'm all alone.

2.) My friends who are going out with each other invited me to the movied tonight, but i said no because I'm tired of being the fat man in a Weezer shirt.
by poop April 23, 2003
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weezer meg is one of the most famous people in norwich city, she loves the band weezer and dances for all her fans. shes one of the funniest people you will ever meet, so lovely and pretty.
do you like weezer meg?
YEAH, of course. Everyone loves weezer meg!
by ghenerois November 24, 2021
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A term for a confidential gathering of Weezers
"Guys, I think we need to call a Weezer Huddle"
by ImaBigNerd October 13, 2023
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Yo man, don't get weezered she's not into dudes. Chasing Amy was satirical, going any further is wasting everyone's time.
by Na Na Na May 17, 2022
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Somebody who obsesses over Weezer, much like weebs obsess over insert obscure anime.
Normal guy 1: Hey did you hear that Fred had Buddy Holly on loop for 4 hours?

Normal guy 2: “Jeez louise he’s such a weezer weeb..”
by Ihateweezer July 21, 2022
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