What people with a PhD's have. First you gotta go through high school... then you gotta get your shit together and get into university you study your ass off for 4 years to get Bachelors... then you say to yourself "im really having fun killing my self, I should kill my self some more" and then you get your masters after 2 more years AND then after you are almost losing sense of reality and are having a mental breakdown you push away your last few friends and family members who are trying to bring you to your senses and then you decide to go for your PhD and then after 4 years of treacherous research you officially unlock a new power up that makes you permanently fried in the head.
Person #1: yo my prof is so weird bro.... he keep murmuring to himself when he teaches and his lecture notes don't even make sense
Person #2: Ahlie!
Person #3: yea I know its cuz he has permanent head damage (PhD), he has lost sense of reality.
by LightThief November 13, 2018
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When one becomes depressed as the fun of the holidays comes to an end and everyone has to return to their boring, everyday lives.

Often goes hand-in-hand with christmas tight.
Bob: "What is Steve's problem?"

Sue: "I think he has a severe case of Post-Holiday Depression (PHD). I heard him crying when his co-workers in the next cubicle were talking about their holiday vacations.
by hahaidontgetit December 28, 2010
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An American physician and plastic surgeon who is known as the first man to perform a successful penis/balls transplant in the United States. He appeared on the first episode of HBO's "Re-Attach My Balls Please!," an informative documentary-style show featuring comedic medical mishaps.
Dr. Dilbert Goederndi PhD is my hero.
by Joey Orgler 3 July 24, 2008
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A painful condition whereby one or more pubic hairs becomes lodged inside the foreskin of the penis, against the helmet. Movement will result in the hairs being stretched and pulled, causing untold agony.
This is caused by the penis being confined in a small space (ie underwear). It usually occurs after the sufferer has had an erection and the penis is shrinking back to its regular size.
Can be solved by a cabinet reshuffle
Tom: OUCH....
Ben: What's the matter?
Tom: I've just got some pubo-helmular discomfort (PHD)...
Ben: I'm sorry. This must be a difficult time for you.
by tommytomtomtom October 15, 2007
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Like It's Sister show A.J. Phd, A.J. Phd Miami takes place in Cleveland, Ohio, and features the distant cousin to A.J., A.J., a Pharmisuitist, who works with the police to solve Pharmacy-based crimes. He is slightly shorter than A.J. and is always ready with a lozenge to soothe a sore throat. Otherwise useless.
Episode 2.37 When A.J. goes undercover in a women's prison, and wins the hearst of his fellow inmates with soothing aloe vira tissues
by It's Anthony March 10, 2004
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BS: Bull Shit
MS: More of the Same
PhD: Piled Higher and Deeper
BS, MS, PhD (college degree acronyms) really stand for Batchler of Science, Master of Science, and Doctorate of Philosophy.
by iHarteSax June 23, 2011
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The phenomenon when some who has a PhD and their arrogance has caused them to only able to hear the words of, see the contributions of, or acknowledge others people with PhD’s.
Great work! But don’t bother showing it to Joey, he’s PhD Blind
by SuperBAW January 22, 2021
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