A nasty substance that comes from a Females Genitals, It is a solid clump of what appears to be red feces.
"We're not mung, You're Mung." -Southpark
"is that shit or just mung?"
by xX_Mongoloid_Xx October 24, 2017
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Wtf is wrong with yall? That some nasty ass shit. Thanos otta snap 100% of the population after that one
If you mention munging one more time I swear I'm gonna nuke the entire continent
by Munging Freaks May 12, 2021
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when you take a dead body and have 1 person put their mouth on the corpse's vagina and have the other person jump on her stomach. everything that comes out of the vagina is called "mung".
when eva longoria dies i might mung her
by Jwords April 27, 2008
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The brown stuff that accumulates at the bottom of a coffee pot.
When was the last time you cleaned the mung out of your coffee pot?
by Yowsil August 1, 2009
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What Blaise Swiss does all day long, non-stop, with Austin Heming.
"Blaise, it's my turn of munging, fuck off, I wanna fuck your mom too!", says Austin Heming.
by Nathan Karaulov January 24, 2017
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Term used for someone who is acting stupid. Derived from the word Mongoloid which is a derogatory term for Downs Syndrome.
When my wife dies something stupid

" Nice job Mung"
by Willyduit September 9, 2017
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\Mung\·ing, n. Hind. m?ng. (Bot.)

1. When a mother bird eats the green gram (Phaseolus Mungo), and regurgitates them to her babies, to feed them.

2. Something kids made up to make everybody go "ewww!" and tell their friends at parties.
1. And here, you can see the mother bird "munging", as to provide supplements to her babies, who are simply too young to feed themselves.

2. I'll be munging your mother, and mungling her too.
by Camera J November 17, 2005
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