A floppy floop with a memory of three seconds. Fears: fish and chips, sharkyteeths, delcattys, sandy santas aka yellow stuff found on those beachy butts, ME'S QUILTONS. Popular pet in Mars and Flumpyland. Needs cheese to survive. Lifespan of 9 seconds. Lovely decorations when dead, put next to a mermaid and a real mermaid will come to your house on Christmas Eve with her granny Mrs Claus to revive the fish.
My fish is dead
by QUILTON GIRLS May 16, 2017
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to try to catch fish with a net, line and hook, vacuum cleaner, high-powered harpoon gun, or other instrument.
"Hey Bob I caught 39 fish."
"With what variety of instrument?"
"A vacuum cleaner."
"Pizzimp tizzite!"
by Nick D March 6, 2003
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Root word of "official," after undergoing minor spelling alterations for convenience and punctuality. Utilizing an alternative marine definition as well, the adjective, "fish," has the ability to introduce ironic humor into any situation.
I'm so fish.

That outfit Brodie Mess isn't wearing is totally fish.

I need to go shopping for some fish shades.
by HLEJONES January 7, 2010
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the correct way of spelling/saying fish as in the plural.
Person 1: OMG I can not believe that JASON dumped ME?!
Person 2: Oh well, there is plenty fishes in the sea.
by Rianon February 19, 2018
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why the fuck are you looking up fish? Have you literally never seen a fucking fish holy shit how fucking retarded can you be to not know what a fucking fish is
by sanifqbfsfbdsofbdsoibsdi April 9, 2019
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Sea creatures, that lives in an ocean, lakes, and rivers.
I hate the taste of fish, and I had a nasty experience eating them. A bone was caught in my throat.
by Saints November 9, 2003
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