5 definitions by Rianon

the correct way of spelling/saying fish as in the plural.
Person 1: OMG I can not believe that JASON dumped ME?!
Person 2: Oh well, there is plenty fishes in the sea.
by Rianon February 19, 2018
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A water sock is a sock which is able to be soaked in water without ruining the fabric. It is generally made of a wetsuit/bather fabric and is mainly used with people who have podophobia like myself so that podophobics can swim without feeling the pressure of showing their

Person 1: Ugh I so do not want to go to this swimming carnival.
Person 2: Why not? I am pumped!!!
Person 1: I so do not want people to judge my podos >:(
Person 2: Oh i have these water socks you can use!
Person 1: Oh sick bruv!!!\
by Rianon February 14, 2018
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David is typically anyones relative. Anyone you meet will undoubtedly have a David as an uncle. They're typically prone to have anger issues and are in general a bit odd. There isn't a David who will not at one point make you think "wow, what a dick". David's usually will have an alcohol problem, accompanied by a potty mouth and have at least once done drugs. These are the type of people who will flip the finger at you while driving.
David : *sneezes*
Person 1 :

Person 2 : bless you..
David : I WONT TOLERATEE !!!!@@1111!!1
by Rianon May 5, 2019
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Slavin means to over use the term ew. Genuinally the topic that a person would be slavin over would not even be the slightest bit disgusting.
Person 1: *sees person 2 touch person 3s arm* ewww!!!!1!!
Person 2 to Person 3: Dont worry, shes just slavin.
by Rianon February 16, 2018
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When you accidentally spill a beverage on your cutlery.
Person 1: Argh im so dRuNk
Person 2: Make sure not to wank the shank, you”ll be the person cleaning it up.
by Rianon February 16, 2018
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