When a girl that is 8 months pregnant is sucking you off and she swallows your cum then you punch her in the stomach to abort the fetus and she'll throw up the cum
"dude the bitch was pregnant"
"What did you do"
"Did the exploding watermelon"
by MetalStoner420 February 28, 2018
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When at least the top 10% of an ass is showing above the pants line.
Check out her exploding ass, I have to get with her tonight.
by JHyphenDollarSign December 29, 2009
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An out-of-the-blue fantasy many have had while looking at Jared Kushner’s strangely expressionless face on TV.
The camera zoomed in to catch him blink as he was standing next to his father-in-law, when the unexpected image of “exploding Kushner head” entered my mind.
by Dr Bunnygirl May 24, 2020
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An extremely dificult technique to pull of on Gears of War and Gears of War 2. Its when you soot somebody in the nutsack with a torque bow and watch as there nuts blow off of there body.
Guy 1: Wtf!! That n00b actually got me with the exploding nutsack technique!! Guy 2: Wow!!! You just got pwned by a n00b. Look at your nuts flying across the screen
by Xero _ Manifest November 16, 2010
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