When a female hasn't showered for days and reaches down in her crotch/dirty pussy and smears the liquid from her fingers and genitalia onto another's face across their nose and mouth to let the stench roll for hours
Duuuude we were just being stupid and having fun... I gave her a wet willy and she gave me a disgusting krusty karen
by Dagladell4114 April 14, 2023
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To own a blue iPad that has been krustily deep fried in oil. If you have been named as a Krusty person, then people view you as someone who sheds a lot of bread crumbs.
"Why is he so Krusty?"
by orangedonkey101 March 2, 2021
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-To have no friends
-To be a scrub
-Does not eat uncrustables
-Listens to "Too Good" and "Gold Digger" on replay
That kid Isaac is so Krusty.
by ClarkIsAfraidOfTheDark December 20, 2016
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Kristy means Olivia

Krusty means you.(person's name must be Olivia)
by Exeniran April 5, 2018
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A guy who poops 2 feet away from the hiking trail and doesn't wipe his butt. And is made fun of with Krusty Krab jokes.
Krusty when you grow up your gonna work at the Krusty Krab.
by Dez strebor December 12, 2017
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Just another definition of looking EXTREMELY ugly or bad.
Me: Damn girl I look so freaking krusty today!

Friend: I know right! You look so krusty.
by ihaveligma July 25, 2018
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a discusting bitch that smells like fish, who attends wells high school
kaley merril is krusty kay
by boomshakedropgirl March 21, 2011
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