Essentially its when you twist your bollocks.

The term "Pulling a Powell" derives from a man who once underwent testicular torsion 144 times.

Weather the story is true on not is not clear.

However its quite frequently used in niche corners of the world.
guy 1 "omg I've just Pulled a Powell"
guy 2 "wait have you just been caught Pullin' a Powell?"
guy 1 "yes. yes I have.
by Roboscruffy May 13, 2023
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A man of much mystery part of the famous football team Dingle FC United. This man is a very hard man to get your hands on so when you do use your time wisely. When you get hold of this man do not expect him to answer your questions but expect a ma joke. Unfortunately jack powell has had a bad past being involved in the unspeakable …
by Soul of Chloe corbett November 4, 2022
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When you go and flirt with the PMSs daughter and literally take her away from an event and smash in your designated area
I gave her the ol Powell Swoop during a training meeting
by Wicketshmart December 17, 2021
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Celina Powell is a model & social media influencer known for speaking openly about her hookup encounters with A list rappers on YouTube.

Also known as the “black widow,” in the A lister rap circle, Celina made headlines when she claimed to be pregnant with OffSets baby in 2018. She later admitted that she had lied about the whole thing. In 2020, Celina started her OnlyFans which she claimed to make more than 5000$ in the first month. She briefly had a podcast on No Jumper but, it was soon canceled due to controversy. On her YouTube channel she alleged that Snoop Dog had a affair on his wife with her. Notorious for getting arrested for driving without a license - she has a long history of run-ins with the law which she also speaks openly about on her YouTube channel.
Damn Celina Powell is fine bro
Be careful man she’s the black widow
by cyberghett0 December 27, 2022
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Sarah Powell the best person to meet an amazing friend who you can trust, but an even better girlfriend. She is caring, funny, and overall adorable/pretty. She is the best ngl.
by hithere1415 April 21, 2021
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The act of stealing ones sweets under their nose
"Where on earth have my chewits gone? i think i've been powelled!"
"Someone's left their Tangfastics out, they are definitely getting powelled at some point"
by RAiiZ3R November 23, 2022
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Dying by ironic means, specifically something one made fun of.
Did you hear Lindsey got powelled? After making fun of people who exercise all the time, she had a heart attack.
by jaketheripperrr November 4, 2022
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