A guy who smells like downy
Tim is a downy boy, his mom probably does his laundry.
by valuelmp October 21, 2019
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you’re such a leona downie😍😘✂️💔😈
by dykeydownie January 20, 2022
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It’s when you mix shrooms Weed Zani’s and you kind of shart?
I was partying with my friends and I laughed so hard I downy beared
by Big mike barber February 2, 2021
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Someone who continues to do something in an even more determined way than before.

The term is used as a euphemism when someone tells bald-faced lies and when confronted with contradictory statements, he/she not only fails to retract their claims but instead expresses an increased certainty in their truth.

Derivative from double down - a term used in the cardgame blackjack where someone doubles their bet in a risky situation.
"Instead of just coming clean about his falsehoods, Bradley decided to double down on his lies in the hopes of convincing others he's telling the truth. Bradley is doing a Double Downie."
by UWV June 14, 2018
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Downsyndrome like in character. Used more as a nickname for someone who acts like they have an extra chromosome.
Sean didn’t notice that he voted for Biden instead of trump because he likes all the red buttons in the ballot booth. Downy strikes again. Nice job Downsyndrome Sean.
by Pleubodoen November 28, 2022
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downy decided to call me a bloody idiot today so i burnt his car down
by xxxsmellysalmonxxx69 November 16, 2020
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