To "Rofl" someone's "Copter" is meant to be sexual, and can take on any sexual connotation. Therefore, to rofl a copter could imply oral, sex, hands, or even weird creepy stuff like whacking off to Hannah Montana.
After all I did for Katie this Valentine's Day, she didn't even rofl my copter. What a bitchass.
by Creebie February 17, 2009
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the paramedics for when ur laughing too hard
gabeg: she shit on ur face!!
gabew: AHAHAHAH!!!!
gabeg: OMG HeS CHOKING!!! somebody, get the rofl copter!!
by gabewskie October 7, 2009
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The act of laying on your own neck, and spinning your entire body around while your legs move recklessly.
Hey, look! He's doing the Tard-O-Copter!
by Numb_Nuts_W_Bush February 6, 2011
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The act of two large Mexican men interlocking their arms together and spining at a dangerous rate of speed in the middle of a mosh pit, knocking over the nearby concert goers like bowling pins.
"They had 4 broken ribs and internal bleeding after that Mexican Mosh Copter at the concert last Saturday"
by 61F85Acid November 10, 2009
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Basicly a rofl copter that laughs at you, commonly found in soviet Russia.
In soviet Russian rofl copter laugh at you
by brian cawley January 6, 2007
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To sit in a chair and wank, using fast short strokes.
when cumming gripping the copter stick tight and screwing ya face up as to look like a japanease copter pilot
Trying to pull ya copter out of a dive before blowing ya beans all in the cockpit all the time ya face is screwed up making you look like a japanease copter pilot
by james Venom August 21, 2006
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rofling someones copter means giving them a handjob
if u rofl my copter and let me call u "sledge" ill give u 10 bucks
by 1337 m4st3r June 3, 2008
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