verb -being sprayed in the face and or all over your personal belongings with Axe brand body spray.
Harry got a suprise axe rape while walking through the school hallway
by nwt October 11, 2007
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A long, sustained glance at a member of the oposite sex (usually male to female) whilst visualising performing perverted sexual acts.

The highest known concentration of rape stare victims occurs in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. These victims are commonly referred to as "Pilbara Princesses".
"Hey Mavis, did you just see that guy? He rape stared the shit out of me, now i feel dirty and it won't come off."
by Woobla November 14, 2009
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The act of knocking a girls teeth out and raping her mouth
"hey you missed it last night, we gummy raped this bitch"
by Fleabagg1ns October 24, 2012
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to use a carrot as sum sort of instrutment in the art of rape! usually inserted in the anus and prodded in and out of unconscious men!
(gary asleep on floor unaware that he is about to be carrot raped)
picture the scene 2 rapists enter the room silently carrots in hand with no vaseline!

an unconscious gary lays on the floor passed out from the date rape drug he had been spiked with prior!

boxer shorts are slide to one side, and carrot is fully inserted into the anal passage! it is then prodded in and out vigorously until the rape victim wakes up to find a carrot protruding from his bum hole!

rapist walk of with a sly yet content smirk on there dirty filthy faces!

by laura n emily January 21, 2009
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a cake that you send/give to someone you've raped but feel badly about.
Eric felt bad about raping Cassie, so he sent her a rape cake.
by JustMe1 December 14, 2006
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Gang rape is when two or more people, usually men but sometimes women have sex with someone, usually a female but sometimes a guy, which is called a gangbang, but if it's without the victim's consent, then it is called gang rape.
Mary was a virgin kidnapped and tied in the back of a van with a ballgag, who was also unconscious. She is victim to gang rape. When she slowly opened her eyes, Mary found that she was strapped on the plank with rope and velcro, her back on the plank. Her hands were tied behind her back and her legs were stretched out like she was doing splits. She then also realized that she was completely nude, and her pussy was well open and visible to her captors, who entered the room soon after. Four of her captors. They were also nude. Mary's ballgag was still on, so she couldn't yell for help. One captor started pounding her virgin cunt, the second banging her asshole, another man took off her ballgag, for once, but then his large dick was in her mouth. Meanwhile, the last guy was massaging and playing with her tender little tits. She then noticed the fifth gangmate holding a camera. She was gonna go online, but that was the least of her big, sexual problems. None of her offenders wore any protection. Her captors were all fair-skinned, with light brown hair and blue eyes, and they were also cleanly shaven. Pretty hot to be honest, but they were gang raping her... This is part 1
by WhoDatFreshBoi March 10, 2017
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Killing every one While using the spaz on call of duty black ops
Me: dude I'm spaz raping right now, I just killed 12 people

Andrew: dude holy crap I wish I could spaz rape
by Morriscode58 May 3, 2011
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