When someone takes a shit on an Indian’s face.
Josh gave Rushi an Indian steamer for his birthday.
by Imhilarious12 November 18, 2018
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When you let someone borrow an item and they don't return the item.
"Hey man, where's your archery bow? I want to take it hunting."
"Bob Indian Took(past tense of Indian Take) my bow."
by RagnarOdinson October 9, 2022
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When the standard indian rotation is interrupted and stuck that way until the next bowl.
by pat wilson February 29, 2008
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When you are a compton indian and you don't know what it means. Also when you can't shoot for shit.
by Demmenick March 4, 2022
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A new modern-day motorcycle made by the California Motorcycle Company (CMC) of Gilroy, California, between 1999-2004, marketed as an "Indian Motorcycle", although the only feature connected to the original Indian Motorcycle (which was produced 1901-1953) was the name.
Big Ed's Gilroy Indian looks just like a Harley.
by Clem Clauson May 12, 2008
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The art of placing an abundant amount of curry on the head of your dick and then jamming it, unapologetically, in your partner’s ass.
Hey John, last night I gave my ol’ lady the Indian Sizzler and now whenever she farts it smells like the inside of a taxi cab.
*John and I high-five each other.*
by Murphy_O’Toole September 20, 2021
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by far one of the worst elementary schools in Illinois.

The cafeteria food tastes like shit. Every thursday or friday they sell dominos pizza and that's still bad.
The lunch ladies are like prison guards. They hate when people talk. If the students talk after lunch is over, they count as high as they can (up to 20) and whatever number they get to, that is how much time you have off of recess.

Now let's get to the recess ladies. These fuckers are like prison guards but strict. You can't climb up slides, you can't go in the courtyards, and there is a ditch by the playground as well. They don't allow you to go in there unless you need to get a ball that went inside there. And if you guessed it right, they are like the lunch ladies. they do the same counting but instead of quiet lunch, it goes to time off of recess.

And now let's get to the teachers. The teachers make this place such a shithole. They have signs on their doors saying "bullying is never okay." People get teased and bullied in that elementary school almost every day by other students. These teachers take tattling above the line. They don't even care about anything if they are teachers from the 2nd-5th grade or the social worker.
???: Hey do you want to know why Indian Grove Elementary School sucks?

Student: Johnny slapped me on the face
Teacher: That's tattling

Student: Marcus threatened to kill me on the playground
Teacher: That's tattling

Student: Pamela pulled my hair on the playground
Teacher: That's tattling

Student: Albert called me a faggot.
Teacher: That's tattling and you earned yourself a trip to the principal's office for inappropriate language.

Student: *goes up to social worker*
Social Worker: what?
Student: Joseph keeps calling me a lardass.
Social Worker: that's tattling and I'm writing you up for innapropriate language.
by Anonomous4002 July 7, 2020
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