The act of fucking 4 nugget people covered in a sauce of your choice (preferably ketchup or BBQ)
Friend: what you want to eat
Me: oh Im not hungry I already had a number six meal
by NuggGod March 9, 2020
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The tendency some books on Judaism have to connect every damn thing to Jews at some point. Because, you know, Jews aren't blamed for everything enough as it is.
Jewish cookbook: "Jews have been making slow-cooked Sabbath cholent for years in order to fulfill the commandments of the day. In the Netherlands, they cooked white beans, goose fat, and honey together and ate it on the Sabbath. When the Pilgrims came to the Netherlands, they adopted the recipe, since they followed the same Sabbath laws, only on Sundays. When they landed at Plymouth Rock, they had no geese for fat, so they used pork fat. And they had no honey, so they used molasses. And thus, Boston baked beans were born."
Me: "This cookbook is playing a mean game of Six Degrees of Kosher Bacon."
by igm30001 January 25, 2017
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Pink Floyd or sigma versions of the sinister six
Bill: did you see the sigma six last night
Laurie: oh yeah I love pink floyd
by Fatrick Bateman February 13, 2022
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A Mod expression for the 1960s. Mod was an aspirational working class youth culture which used sharp and sartorial style as a rebellious statement against their allotted place in life so many expressions were associated with this. So English expression 'at sixes and sevens' means in a physical or metaphorical mess, all over the place, and was used by Shakespeare. But the price of t shirts in Woolworth's selling discounted which were inferior quality clothing to that which the Mods aspired, was seven shillings and sixpence written 7/6- . The two references materialized in the Mod terms 'Not your 7/6' meaning something was not cheap and/or messy clothing

"The mod lifestyle was about conspicuous spending on quality goods. Suits had to be tailored, not bought off-the-peg, and anyone who did turn up at an all-nighter wearing a low-cost version of mod fashion would be labelled a seven and six. The numbers are a reference to pre-decimalized British currency and the cost of cheap T-shirts in Woolworths." Fraser McAlpine BBC World Service
"Of course it's a nice suit what did you think? Real mohair mate not your seven and six- "

"She turned up lookin' a bit seven and six to be honest I wouldn't date her again"
by Thoroughly Modern Zo August 27, 2023
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A six pack of beers with two missing
Trev, it’s nice to see youve brought a drinker’s six-pack to the party.
by doctortrevis July 13, 2018
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The distance limit of a person hiking in the woods carrying a six pack or case of beer. Can usually be described as a pile of broken glass bottles and crushed beer cans. Almost always the same distance from the trail head no matter where you are hiking in the world.
"Well, we've reached the six pack limit, look at all those beer cans!"

"We've gotta make the six pack limit by lunch or we won't make it to the nice campsites."
by premieride December 16, 2011
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