To appear randomly in the background of someone's vacation photos.

Knowing that eventually this photo will be the only evidence of you being in a specific location prior to the disappearance of one of more persons.
My wife and I were trying to pose for this photo on the beach, and this guy totally van der slooted us and ruined the whole trip.
by Benny Peme September 6, 2010
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1. A girl who brings out her slutty side at the first mention of memes.

2. A girl who becomes sexually aroused by dank memes.
Dude, this chick is complete meme sloot! I opened on tinder with a few memes and she was already all over me.
by G-Dog Jenkins July 18, 2017
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a dumb sloot who is said to be shitting but realy is away from everyone
guy: where'd the sloot go?
guy2: she said she went to charge her phone
guy1:she's deffinatley poopin
guy2:poop sloot.....
by meeeeeettttzzza December 23, 2013
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Hey bro, how was your tinder sloot last night.

Let me just say, it was worth messaging her.
by Beigben69 November 19, 2015
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A male or female that has a sexual fetish of flatulance (farts)
david: my girl has got a sexy fart box
Ryan: you sound like a real toot sloot
by Toot sloot 69 January 23, 2016
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The definition for an indepentent, strong woman who lives her life exactly the way she wants. She might have reocurring STIs though. The word was first mentioned by the post-modernist and author Daniel H. Eggamooby in 1981.
„Angie, have you heard?“
„what do you mean?“
„Tessa's been turning into a Sloot -
good for her! I like that!“
by Uncle Monocle March 4, 2017
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