A beer, typically in a glass bottle.
That waitress needs to hurry up with those cooly pops!
by kdc4574 February 17, 2010
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To have a child with sheep, being a human sheep-human hybrid
She was a cooly
by moooony February 14, 2023
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A cooly is simply someone that is cool.
Bradley: “Ebin was a cooly that I used to know.”
by jeromathi January 29, 2022
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A object meth users sometimes use on there pipes to cool the bowl down faster to allow meth to solidify instantly for there next hit.
"hey Adrian pass the cooly would you?" "Where the wetty?"
by Pvt.Shagg2Nope August 19, 2020
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Cooly is another person in SHU he is a loser and nobody likes him /hj
he is also co owner and hate nou2
Unio: Hey do you know Cooly?
Sunley: Duh
by Th3Coolytbr July 23, 2021
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to be cool and beautiful at the same time.
Mom: omg I'm so cool and beautiful, I'm cooliful!
Daughter: Lol
by Bobby man doe November 5, 2019
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Person 1: I'm gonna give you 50 bucks for no reason whatsoever!
Person 2: YAY!!!!!! coolieness!!!!!!!!
by Chloey! August 17, 2008
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