Those that seek people in adverse situations and claim to help them, when they are actually looking for chances to rob them.
The ambulance chasers created a large donation drive for the house fire victims, and they received far more items than the fire victims could use.
by Ljeanbeans May 21, 2022
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yoshikage kira's worst enemy and the cause of his death.
woman: Look out!

Yoshikage: What?

*proceeds to get run over by an ambulance*
by anonumasay May 23, 2022
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Guy 1 Call an ambulance I am bleeding.
Guy 2 Best call a uber cheaper and faster.
Guy 1 Sad but true.

Uber is better than an ambulance.
by hdkbwuinamp[ January 5, 2023
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White car that goes "Whee-Whoo-Whee-Whoo" and carries or drives injured/sick/dead people to safety or care.
Robber: *pulls out a knife* "Give me all your money"
Old-Man: *clenches his heart* "Ow-AH~ Call an ambulance, Call an ambulance!", *pulls out a gun*, "but not for me*
by Artificial-Intelligence August 18, 2023
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A comprehensive pre-hospital care system comprising a dispatch center, well equipped ambulances and well trained emergency medical services personnel that work in unison and under the directive of the dispatch center to provide pre-hospital evacuations and/ or transfer of referred clients to appropriate levels of care.
A well functioning ambulance system is paramount to improving emergency care.
by dpml July 27, 2023
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When you leave a treat, for example chocolates, on an ambulance. Usually on the windscreen or door, for the paramedic to receive when they go back to their ambulance
Today I hit an ambulance with cans of coke and a cake
by Emmac24 November 16, 2020
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