Stealing music and other media online from places like Demonoid and PirateBay.
"Hey, where did you find the money to get Final Cut Pro?"

"Oh, no. I just used a pirating site to get it."
by Rusty the Awesome January 2, 2010
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Driving home from the bar shitfaced and having to cover one eye to prevent seeing double.
Clyde McBride: "Bro I got shitfaced last night at the bar and had to do the pirate to get home!" Kill: "Dude you're a shitbag!"
by Kill2009whoopthatass January 30, 2009
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Guy on guy action. ( has, having guy on guy action)
He is a but pirate.
by Cookie Stealer --- awesomio December 29, 2007
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One of the many things that make things better in this world.

Goes well with monkeys and cock.
Hello mate, we're off to find some booty. Put your god damn monkey loving cock away you sick land lubbing fuck.
by Anonymous October 30, 2003
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guy cums in your eye and you yell arghhhhh.
When a guy cums in your eye and you yell argh it's called the pirate.
by Finger bang February 10, 2014
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Upon reaching the point of orgasm a man must ejaculate in the girls eye, kick her in the shin, and place a parrot (real or fake) on her shoulder. Then watch as the one-eyed, one legged, parrot wielding female hobbles around as if imitating a pirate.
Wow, my shin is really sore and eye is really itchy becuz my boyfriend PIRATIZED me last night.
by DBo84 June 5, 2011
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Yo Chris got the Jordan 24's before anyone else!

Nah son, they didn't even come out yet. He got pirates. fake cheap bootleg
by Rappers delight September 3, 2015
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