A tall, blond or redhead who has a HUGE dick and is really nice, he is a good friend and has a lot of friends, he is a really good kisser and he is super committed
Girl 1: did you see that guy, he is soooo hot
Girl 2: yeah, I bet his name is Keaton
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A tall, blond or redhead who has a HUGE dick and is really nice, he is a good friend and has a lot of friends, he is a really good kisser and he is super committed
Girl 1: Did you see that dude, he is soooo hot
Girl 2: Yeah, I bet his name is Keaton
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a man who is typically attracted to women significantly younger than them and wants to participate in intercourse with that individual.
I am a Keaton!!!
by TommyJoeseph January 4, 2023
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keaton is super gay and is another word for bent
person 1 ; hey dont you thing they looka bit keaton today
by ed reggie March 3, 2022
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