Some say he flew out to space and got his head stuck in a different time zone
Others say he is a fucking piece of shirt cunt
I say he is stupidly gay
Person 1 Is that Frisbe Head?!
by Assfg November 28, 2017
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the formation of 3 people standing in a traingle playing catch with a frisbee
me and buddy b and buddy c were having a frisbee triangle up in the field
by seanman May 28, 2007
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A user called Zef Uses it as a laugh on the ng bbs...anoying as HELL..
frisbee frisbee frisbee frisbee frisbee frisbee frisbee frisbee frisbee frisbee
by Kurt NG UD September 18, 2004
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In 1975 Ken Westerfield invented a Frisbee freestyle move call body rolls, (rolling the disc across out stretched arms and chest, or back), then introduced the move at a North American Series (NAS) tournament in Rochester, NY called the AFDO, (American Flying Disc Open). The hottest move of the day was called the Canadian Mind Blower. Westerfield would roll the Frisbee across out stretched arms and chest, to out stretched arms across the back (front to back roll). Today body rolls are an integral part of every freestyle routine
Articles on Frisbee body rolls are in several Wikipedia and FPA ( Freestyle Players Association) history of freestyle.
by Disc Sports July 28, 2012
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Sidearm Frisbee, a Frisbee throwing technique, placing the disc between the thumb and first two fingers then throwing from the side. (similar to a sidearm baseball throw)

Ken Westerfield's sidearm distance record of 552 feet, with a 119 gram World Class Model Frisbee, Boulder Colorado 1978, and Victor Malafronte's, 538 feet also with a 119 gram Frisbee, not only have the longest sidearm throws of all time but are the best sidearm throwers of all time.

At a North American Series (NAS) Frisbee tournament in Dallas Texas, Westerfield became a member of the "400 club" with a prelim distance sidearm throw, and won the event with a throw of 378 feet, using a 119-gram World Class Model Frisbee. Only two competitors have officially ever thrown over 400 feet in competition with a 119-gram Frisbee (Lightweight disc by today's standard).

1978, in Boulder, Colorado, while doing a distance throwing demonstration at a North American Series (NAS) Event, Westerfield threw a sidearm 119-gram World Class Model Frisbee, 552 feet, shattering the official world distance record of 412 feet

Tournament officials marked and measured the throw at 552 feet. Since the introduction of heavy weight, sharp edge disc, the world record is now over 800 feet. However Westerfield's 552 feet is still the record for the sidearm throw
Sidearm Distance (Frisbee) is covered in several Wikipedia Articles
by Disc Sports August 1, 2012
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Used when describing pleasure about another person, or used as a statement to describe great excitement.
"That girl said she liked you dude!"
by yeahokaybuddy_ January 14, 2019
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Playing field consists of 2 Zones, each are 20’ by 20’ (400sq ft) with 20-30’ separating both Zones
Each side starts with 1 Frisbee, and at a 1,2,3 countdown they both “serve” or throw to each other
The objective is to get the Frisbee to land in your opponents Zone before they can catch it
If you touch the Frisbee and it lands outside the Zone, it is your penalty, and a point goes to your opponent
You can, if you wish, catch a throw that is outside your zone, but you risk leaving your zone open

If one side catches the Frisbee earlier (or faster) then they should endeavor to throw it back into the opponent’s zone. If there are 2 Frisbee’s in your zone at 1 time, your opponent gains 1 point
If you have 2 Frisbee’s in your Zone, you must hand one to your opponent and restart a countdown. For every 10 seconds it takes to give a Frisbee to your opponent, you lose a point
If you do not catch a Frisbee that is in your zone, your opponent gains a point
If you throw outside the zone, your opponent gets a point and you must retrieve it. If it takes more than 15 seconds to get the Frisbee, return to your zone and throw, your opponent gets 5 points
Games are 50 minutes long
Sides switch at 25 minutes
Each side has 5 30-second time outs. Each time you use a time out, you lose a point.
Joseph ( for more
Damn dude I just got my ass KICKED in a BORNEO BEACH FRISBEE game!
by Borneo Joe October 4, 2018
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